Proposed Yard Extension


We are pleased to present our planning proposal for an extension to our recycling centre. Parry & Evans is seeking retrospective planning permission for a 1,111.68 sqm extension to one of our storage buildings.

This extension will expand the covered storage area, allowing us to fully comply with our Environmental Permit and Environmental Management Plan, which require storing waste materials undercover on solid, impermeable surfaces. It is important to note that this extension will not increase the facility’s processing capacity beyond the permitted 250,000 tonnes per annum.

Additionally, our application includes a request for retrospective planning permission for the hard surfacing (tarmac) of a 2,830 sqm external yard located north of the building extension. This yard will facilitate the turning and maneuvering of HGVs accessing the site and the extended storage building.

Our proposal also seeks permission for new surface water drainage infrastructure to the south and west of the building extension. Access to the site will continue via the existing main entrance and weighbridge area, with construction access through the existing entry on Welsh Road at the northern end of the site.

We invite you to review the full details of our planning proposal and provide your feedback.

Important Proposal Documentation

Please click on the images or titles below to see the important documentation about this exciting new yard development proposal.

Submit Proposal Comments

At Parry & Evans, we would like to welcome your comments and feedback on this exciting new yard development proposal.

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