The Challenge

When household kerbside collections are made, there are comingled loose materials e.g. plastics, aluminium cans and steel cans. The client wanted help to segregate the mixed materials into single streams, whilst providing an accurate data reporting system, to include onward movements and an end destination for the waste to be recycled.

In addition, the authority required the collection and recycling of rigid plastic wheelie bins.

Our Approach

Parry & Evans provided articulated walking floor vehicles to collect the comingled loose materials from the local authority depots. The materials were then delivered into our Deeside facility where our experienced team segregated the different waste streams via a sorting system, conveyor belt and magbelt to extract the steel cans. This resulted in a plastics waste stream remaining. All materials were then baled separately for onward transportation to a designated mill where the materials were recycled and reprocessed back into the manufacturing industry. We also provided a weekly report detailing all waste movements, including date of movements plus weight of waste along and an End destination report, detailing the reprocessing mill and new life product.